Sunday, May 2, 2010

Get Rich Quick Schemes

We all want to become rich quick instantly. Who else want to work hard to become rich anyway? In one of my previous articles, I wrote about ways on how to get rich fast. However, chances that these might actually happen to you are very slim to none.
Unfortunately, many of us are being made to believe about get rich quick schemes or businesses. These so-called ’scams’ are disguised as opportunities presenting themselves for us to grab quickly before it ‘expires’. Without enough financial literacy education, these preys are bound to be victims of these get rich quick schemes sending their hard earned money to misery.
Most often than not, the targets of these get rick quick schemes are people who are known to have lots of money but without enough knowledge on business and investments. Having said that, Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) around the world are number one on the list.
Two of the most used get rich quick schemes are email marketing and network marketing. Let’s tackle them one by one.

Email marketing: In this world of digital age, email is one of the fastest and easiest ways of communication. In my personal experience, I have received a lot of emails from different countries claiming that they have come into a lot of money and need help in investing. Or they can provide opportunities for investment.

If you easily get trapped in this get rich quick scheme, they will start collecting some of your sensitive financial information and when you already detected that it is indeed a scam, then you are left sliced with a big amount of money in your bank account.

Another way used by these scammers are through various fake overseas job opportunities advertisements for those people living in the Third World country like the Philippines. They will get your money in the form of ‘processing fees’.

Network marketing. A lot of network marketing companies I attended promises you to become rich quick. Speakers in the seminars they conduct looked like they earned their huge paychecks without much hard work to entice people to join them. If this is the kind of network marketing you belong to, I think they are one of those get rich quick schemes known as ponzi schemes.

One way not to become a victim of these get rich quick schemes is to stop thinking of getting rich quick! The best way to get rich fast is to get rich slow! You need to think of a long-term period of 20-30-40 years even.
That is why the younger you start, the more chances you have to grow your money and become rich.

Just remember, WHEN IT IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT IS PROBABLY NOT TRUE! Increase your financial intelligence, get educated, and learn to scrutinize each opportunity that comes your way.

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