Saturday, June 12, 2010

Aliens:: Are they FACT, FICTION or a sign of what's to Come

01The reports of alien abductions have become a worldwide phenomenon all of which require research to prove the validity of the individual making the report. There have been at least forty known reports since 1961. The phenomenon is one that is not easily understood, requires extensive and continued research and may or may not be validated claims. Should this be a reality there are a suspected high amount of unreported claims. So the question is what exactly occurs during the experience and how do those who experience an abduction cope?
According to those who have reported the abduction, it will basically start with the experience of an unexplainable bright light that is seen in a field, the sky or somewhere in their home. All electrical appliances will begin to short in and out and the individual that is being abducted will become paralyzed. While paralyzed they do have movement with only their eyes and are able to notice unfamiliar and strange beings that appear out of the bright light. The individual is then taken either by being beamed or drug into the alien’s craft.

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